We are nowadays rarely seen 1985 Toyota pickups for sale Craigslist because these cars are so outdated that they are rarely posted for sale. This is understandable because apart from being obsolete, even if someone sells one, it is likely the pickup has some drawbacks. However, if you want to buy one to upgrade or make it your private collection, some of 1985 Toyota pickup ads below can be your choice of reference.
1985 Toyota Pickup Classic Back to the Future
This classic 1985 Toyota posted in Los Angeles, at first glance, looks like it is still in usable condition. The SR5 model pickup is claimed by the owner to be still in excellent condition with the mileage on odometer, reaching 189,000 miles. The white exterior color is also still visible. The owner priced this pickup at $9,500. If you have an unused Harley Davidson motorcycle, you can exchange it for this pickup. The owner said the interior of this pickup had undergone several repairs. Moreover, leather that covers the seats is no longer original. There are some defects in various places of interior. More
Wrecked 1985 Toyota Pick Up
Do you want to own 1985 Toyota pickup with a minimal budget? This pickup could be your luck. From the title of 1985 Toyota pickups for sale Craigslist, we already know this pickup had an accident. You can see in the picture that the front of this pickup is crushed on one side. While you can take it home for $2,500, it is likely that you’re going to spend more money on repairs than you would on buying it. The seller resides in Oakland and if you want to buy it, you have to bring it yourself because there is no delivery service offered by the seller. This pickup comes with a total mileage of 197,000. More
1985 Toyota Pickup Truck 4×4 SR5
In the last option, there is 1985 Toyota SR5 pickup that has undergone modifications, especially the replacement of wheels and tires that look more off-road. From the pictures posted, there are some rusty exterior parts. The odometer reads 240,000 miles, quite a distance. The paint color has also changed slightly with the dominance of a sporty blue color. This pickup still runs but needs TLC. If you intend to buy it, you have to come, pay, and bring it home yourself from Canoga Park, Los Angeles for just $7,000. This 1985 Toyota pickups for sale Craigslist is worth to buy. More