DIY Dog Ramp with Simple Instructions and Design to Build

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DIY Dog Ramp with Simple Instructions and Design to Build

If your dog is not in good way to reach the couch, it is right time make DIY dog ramp. Actually, you can find ramp for dog or pets at store. Tons of models and designs are available to fulfill what you need. One issue is price because fancy and reliable ramp will cost much. On the other hand, you can save few bucks just with simple ramp that’s more functional.

If your dog is not in good way to reach the couch, it is right time make DIY dog ramp. Actually, you can find ramp for dog or pets at store. Tons of models and designs are available to fulfill what you need, for example like this. One issue is price because fancy and reliable ramp will cost much. On the other hand, you can save few bucks just with simple ramp that’s more functional.

Why do you need dog ramps?

First thing to answer is why you need this ramp. At first glance, it is tool to help the dog reaching the top area, such as couch, bed, chair, etc. You just pick the long plywood then lean directly on the bed. Therefore, the ramp is ready to let the dog climb higher immediately. That’s the simplest idea regarding the ramp.

Big dogs don’t have issue to jump, but not for small ones. Furthermore, old dogs are also unreliable in their motion due to less agile and active. As owner, you like to see them move around easily, even at the couch. This is where ramp becomes necessary to support dog movements. Keep in mind ramp is different from stairs because of flat and plain surface.

Design and material

Next thing on DIY dog ramp is material. Instead of plain plywood, you can pick a little bit advanced but still reliable material. You should prepare plywood, lumber, and few nails. They will be material for dog ramps. If you don’t have any idea about carpentry work, simple design is enough and more practical. The ramp uses triangle style where plywood will be the lean part, while the holder relies on lumber. You need holder to prevent adding directly on the wall, bed, and couch.

Making dog ramp

After the tools and materials are ready, you just follow simple instruction for inexpensive DIY dog ramp. Measure the height from couch or bed surface to the floor. It is the height for ramp, and you can add one inch longer. Next, choose how long the ramp will be. Even though the ramp has the same height, longer one is less slope and suitable for any dog. After that, you just cut plywood based on the length and lumber as the frame for the height. Put and stick them with nail and tape. Finally, the ramp is ready for your dog.

Well, plywood has plain surface and some dogs will slip without firm grasp. As solution, you can cover it with carpet or just add separator. As the result, your DIY dog ramp will be more reliable.

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